Friday, June 4, 2010

Tiny baby update

First, I've been interviewed in Blanket Magazine for their Cosmos Issue! It's a pretty cool issue with a fun concept (and I quote from their website): "One very special feature this issue is our artist project ‘Astrology Psychology’ which includes a fascinating study on whether our star signs influence our creative process. We challenged 12 artists – each with a different star sign – to create a piece of art and to keep track of their creative process along the way. We then compared their findings with a short synopsis of the characteristics of their star sign to see the results – and trust me – some of the results were jaw dropping!!"

The issue is only two dollars(!) and if you're a subscriber to the magazine you get 12 printable artists cards for free (including my piece done for this issue). They're also available for a separate purchase if you want.

Second, Good Minnesotan has a project up on!!

The project looks amazinnnggg and I'm lucky to have a story in it (the mama onion comic if anyone's seen it)! Good Minnesotan is a fantastic local comic anthology-for those that don't know- and do a wonderful job of showing off local cartoonists. Raighne and Megan Hogan (some of the faces behind GM) are also super sweet and hosted my solo show in their studio last month!

Anyways, take a peek and if you have 5 bucks sitting around, I recommend donating some money to them.

Ps. If you haven't checked out the Good To Know Zine, you totally should:

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